Rank: Olympian

Fights Won: 21417
Fights Lost: 7924
Opponents Iced: 470
Deaths: 665
Swatlist Survivals: 89
Character Type: Neutral




Cost: $500
Post with non-clickable name: $500

☠VIPER☠whats up bro ;)

Exdeathmaybe in later comps, they all turn out to have their own sets

Exdeathnice. yea...just looks like a bunch of random pieces

Exdeathlol oh ok. what circle you on?

Exdeathlol your ahead on ms1 also :P


IMITATORand they did all the killing, sorry dude

IMITATORi loaned my acct out for a week to someone else

Scarface™ i posted you for defcon but i forget to post a reason.

Malfunctionhaha no worries mate :P

MalfunctionSorry I listed. Needed to inform someone of something

胖子Just Fat_Man

xGODxhey bud can you help me

TaNKnice lol

TaNKlike my defender lol

Hades™u get i all yet?

silence i kill youto get those hits for my wife

silence i kill youi can but im angry cause i try since the comp is new

silence i kill yousry my screen jumped

OPTIMUS PRIME MARINEDown to 12 till window washer ruined it lol

OPTIMUS PRIME MARINEList me only need 15

Omega_Blue™©good deal man... glad u did

Omega_Blue™©i try man

Omega_Blue™©okay i gotcha

KILLED U WITH GREENS™sorry man she almost has it all