Rank: Hammer

Fights Won: 1774
Fights Lost: 838
Opponents Iced: 32
Deaths: 77
Swatlist Survivals: 15
Character Type: Neutral




Cost: $500
Post with non-clickable name: $500

BANISHMENTnah u just goin to die alot

R∆√∑Я™its not its just more busy at night. good 2c u bro

frostybotfor more than a short time

frostyboti dont have the attention span to play

frostybotfor about 1-2 weeks

frostyboti havent been on in forever only been back

frostybotnothin really

frostybotsweet right arm

R∆√∑Я™ignore wotty i will bang him on auto. keep flamin.:)

fatal1989wottytohotty is a complainer i can flame him

wotty2hottieattack my jr again and youll stay dead

STARSCREAMlong time no c

Kamiim there now.

KamiThis is UnReaL and this my Jr.

UnReaL™Its at the lvl of destroyer and its have full righteous gear.

fatal1989yeah u got some pretty good parts goin on

UnReaL™and it have pretty good stats.

UnReaL™Hey bro ill trade you my Jr for this one its a higher lvl

kamikazekingi didnt green u b4 my bad thought i was

Scarface™ Hey can i have this account?


you sucknaa im good. this is a greener. flame it anytime

CETS REDERdam son that blows ill be sure to be on the look out for u

WildLadyhow have you been?

WildLadyim good