Prince of Darkness
Rank: Greener

Fights Won: 77159
Fights Lost: 145248
Opponents Iced: 1545
Deaths: 921
Swatlist Survivals: 295
Character Type: Neutral




Cost: $500
Post with non-clickable name: $500

BeeTankTy nas

EXDEATHJust 2k. If its healed go ahead and burn temp though

☠VIPER☠™its a good comp account

☠VIPER☠™and it also has a bunch of temp as well

☠VIPER☠™i dont care about that accounts stats

☠VIPER☠™lol, dont take much to take off the gear

☠VIPER☠™almost 5k

☠VIPER☠™10k health? thats a bunch

☠VIPER☠™cool, i have lots of temp to burn

☠VIPER☠™you trying for courage?

☠VIPER☠™big gaming comps are for cd games not web games

☠VIPER☠™these apps dont require a whole lot to play

☠VIPER☠™pretty plain, nothing special.

☠VIPER☠™idk, i use a laptop for most of my stuff

☠VIPER☠™lol, it just looks cool, the lighting on is cool

PainMaker™ im still working on getting the shield added here

☠VIPER☠™death adder was too expensive for me, mine was 89 bucks

☠VIPER☠™i love it

☠VIPER☠™mamba, its new

☠VIPER☠™tons of things you can do, its bad a$$

☠VIPER☠™healing, temp, energy, double click, page back, page forward

☠VIPER☠™you can set them for anything you can think of

☠VIPER☠™those are preset buttons for any actions you want

☠VIPER☠™they have a new called the mamba, i might get that one

☠VIPER☠™yup, razer molten