Kempachi Zaraki
Rank: Champion Tier 2

Fights Won: 4927
Fights Lost: 2611
Opponents Iced: 126
Deaths: 376
Swatlist Survivals: 40
Character Type: Neutral




Cost: $500
Post with non-clickable name: $500

The OperatorDont with BOB

silence i kill youNext One and ill stay on ya

Exdeathu didnt have to list me to get a stupid message out

IMITATORnew comp coming, i think by this coming weekend

ßallßearingsNot sure yet, we will find out soon.

Wildboy™a tournament.

LEPRECHAUNill let kami ride

❤,Keeley,❤he always kills me aswell every time he comes on

ChaosdragonAdd 400 ATT and 400 def

lucky leprechaunbanishment falls at the same time defcon does

ChaosdragonFrom banish ....remember the time when Defcon

ExtraMaskim that one guy hes talking about

green jrhow much more do you need

*Lighting*TOTAL DEFENSE POWER: 2122 and i dont have full set

OPTIMUS PRIME MARINELeave clicky will help you

THUGALOtalkin like that ill keep flamin then

XxterminaterxXGrEeNeRI saw that you helped this other guy, can you help me too?

SHADOWanytime bro and i greened you with BabyShadow

Scarface™ idk lol i was DTK AND DE50

❤,Keeley,❤i will try and help u

AKILZONI cant keep hitler down with my main, or with all my bots

green jrluckys greener

Scorpionnah im good just tap u only

Scarface™ not now im trying to get the first arm!

RƺÐ ßṲLL™If you got time ill green you to 3 to 1 ratio