Rank: Champion

Fights Won: 8724
Fights Lost: 4779
Opponents Iced: 68
Deaths: 277
Swatlist Survivals: 7
Character Type: Neutral




Cost: $500
Post with non-clickable name: $500

Rƺ ṲLLTouch Roxy again and ill keep you on auto

scrappyheal and ill repost

KΛSΞЯbut if u wanna trade greeners we can ? tell me about !?

KΛSΞЯu cannot win until u have the forbidden boost =)

Jewish Fairy Ur dead 4 life thanks to roach

NightMareyou hit a lil harder than roach

Grimlockhowever if you keep attacking me i will get hubbys out

Grimlockif you need green my greener is greenbean

Tempest Thalescan you help me with righteous please?

KΛSΞЯnice try

RƺÐ ßµLL Dont touch my greener or ill get it all back.


metalstorm is deadpeww peww b!tch

i has a pistol :3heal coward

i has a pistol :3fury unleashed

Baby ChaosdragonClicky for green

FAT_MANTY!! for the list :)

Master HouseI ask you to list me and you attack

Master HouseList me for APOC please, I only need 7 more hits

(^ ^)wana put me up for apoc and ill put you up for it

ChaosdragonWhere are y from ? Can y Do me a favor ?

lighted thunder 2apoc pls

phantompost for apoc plz

BONGSOLObut nobody will. only have 44 hits

BONGSOLOcan i get a skull run plz??? i been tryin to get one