Rank: First Class Indestructible

Fights Won: 14671
Fights Lost: 6485
Opponents Iced: 270
Deaths: 829
Swatlist Survivals: 64
Character Type: Defender




Cost: $500
Post with non-clickable name: $500

CUT TROUGHTCan U hit me up with some green..?

ExtraMaskfeel like starting a war?

camhey def me and ill return favor


RƺÐ ßṲLL™Told you your dead

CΘΘƘIΣΜΘ₦ЅƬΣΓplz stop killin me

Jewish FairyPost her plz noob plz!

Jewish FairyMore green 4 more me

Jewish FairyAlright shes dead 4 life

Jewish FairyYou ever do that again lauren stays dead 4 ever!

RƺÐ ßṲLL™hit my greener ill keep you dead

NightMareu sent your g-friend after me..cmon man

NightMarepussy hit a lil harder next time

silence i kill youhow many to go

silence i kill youwtg y hit the top ^^

silence i flame youkick me off

silence i kill youill let y ride if y hit the top

Quack Attack™ © ®Thats for taking my post down ;)

silence i kill youthat i can kill with one hit

silence i kill youput him up as a one hitter pls

silence i kill youa bad guy...

silence i kill yousry i need kills for hall normaly im not

Mr.Franktastichey can you list me for Apoc dude

ChaosdragonSup ...nice Defcons

ChaosdragonWhy y post y without a reason