Rank: Royal Olympian

Fights Won: 40902
Fights Lost: 3514
Opponents Iced: 464
Deaths: 166
Swatlist Survivals: 16
Character Type: Striker




Cost: $500
Post with non-clickable name: $500

Dysonhow u get the righteous ?

Demolition Dog™ © ®Now I know who you are! lol

SAPHERIAyou really aint smart i will help him

SLASHER ™me killin you now

SLASHER ™yer toast now,, dont wanna hear a thing about

...X...ha damn i like fellow strikers >:)

Scarface™ Your a deadmen now !

GODSWARtypical pussy hit an log

AKILZON;) might need around 8100 atk for a win

Omega_Blue™©u scare lol...

Omega_Blue™©long time before u beat me...

RƺÐ ßṲLL™Heal about time you get courage

My Little PhonyNow im involved with the war (:

胖子yea now I can get 4+ people to flame you every time you r on

My Little PhonyDont hit my bro (:

fatal1989whata ur problem

Black PoisonStop flaming this acc pls Its my gf ( chaosdragon)

ChaosdragonY Can keep flaming me but stop killing my jr

8--------D~~~~ O:idr

RƺÐ ßṲLL™(On your bird)

RƺÐ ßṲLL™I remember when you only had 1 star :)

silence i kill youIll end you

WildLadykeep it up, i will make sure u stay dead :-)

WildLadyand then u stay dead

WildLadyim not whinning! i just tired of being flamed