Rank: Fearless Tier 4

Fights Won: 4986
Fights Lost: 13925
Opponents Iced: 86
Deaths: 2229
Swatlist Survivals: 103
Character Type: Neutral




Cost: $500
Post with non-clickable name: $500

RƺÐ ßµLL KickYourArsII wheres 1?

xX H O F F A Xxhow many hits ya need 4 all patrs?

xX H O F F A Xxsorry 4 da hits couldnt find ya anyother way

Ike jr.HI!

jjakspost me for skull

Kenny!!Come to chat :(

mr notuthnx for green

Cold blood killerplzzz help me with skull

iTz Not Cool To Attack MeSkull Run?

mr notuwow nice bot

terminatornever mind keep posting please

outlawjodie skull me plz

۞ÂŁu¢äŖd۞Skull me plz

terminatorhey skull me or what?

Kenny!!hey. drop by chat whenever u can. u seem really cool

Timetraveler II no1 will mess with whoever he puts up on sl

Timetraveler IIask kilswitch for help, he is 2nd on top 100,

terminatoru done now

terminatorill green u 50 times per skull hit

terminatorplease skull me like u did ur-self

Kenny!!come to chat...

Ultra 7list me and i will list u

TWO FACEcan u help out by putting me on the list

Kenny!!xat,com/metalstorm2 im gettin off now but stop by sumtime

Kenny!!u havent complained once. i repect tht. -Goshen